Beauty. Glam. Shot.

Glam & Luxe Photography

So what sets me apart from others?

Glam Photography

My glamour photography focuses on the beauty of the person in the photograph. While it's a standalone genre, that focus on beauty can inspire work in other.

Creativity and Imagination

Photography, for all intents and purposes, is a form of art. Therefore, it requires my creative mind—and plenty of imagination.

An Eye for Detail

I do have a very keen eye for detail to ensure that all elements within the photo—the lighting, the composition, the subject, and everything else in between.

Patience and Flexibility

I do have lots of patience that's always an essential to achieve amazing photography. In addition to patience, I'm flexible which these two qualities go hand in hand.

Good People Skills

Being a professional photographer means working with people—whether it’s a client, a model, or even a fellow photographer. Thus, being a good photographer requires good people skills I do poses.


What sets a good photographer apart from the rest?  Passion.

Passion makes the photographer—it will always makes me work a little harder, push a little farther, and strive to be better than I was before the last photo I took.

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One glam shot at a time.

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